Thursday 27 February 2014

Report shop research

These are my notes that I took when I went to store today. 
But need to go again and find out some more. 

Marks and Spencer's influence of my day

Mother's Day gift presentstions; 
This photograph that I took shows the variety of visual cards and gift that marks and Spencer's portray, however I was focusing on this little collection as it's if pored me by just the simple layout. It stood out from the rest and brough a few gifts to your view as it got your attention. 

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Marks and Spencer's influence of my day

Mother's Day gift presentstions; 
This photograph that I took shows the variety of visual cards and gift that marks and Spencer's portray, however I was focusing on this little collection as it's if pored me by just the simple layout. It stood out from the rest and brough a few gifts to your view as it got your attention. 

Favourite sample 3

Chelsie harbor design center finds:
By; Nina Campbell, collection- Montacute, pattern- Barrington, NCF4053

Few words which sum up why I like this sample so much; 

Gorgeous silk fabric 
Shading with colours 
Minimal colour pallet 
Floral design 
Contrast in the crisp white

Favourite sample 2

Chelsie harbor design center finds; 
By; Romo black edition, 7563/01 lee Jaipur pink, collection xanthina 

Few words which sum up why I like this sample so much; 
Block colour 

Favourite sample 1

Chelsie harbors finds; 
By; Romo- 7526/05 fleur Capri, collection- tulipa

What I like about the sample- 
- brightness
- lively
- print 
- textured 
- tonal qualities 
- shows an unusual colour of flower 
- not in full detail works well as it explores your mind as you don't get the full thing in detail, only parts are slightly more enhances than others 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Contents and repots ideas

I created brief notes that would inspire me to look further into them as separate parts of the contents for my report. I also come up with ideas that would make my report more visually pleasing and various questions that I could use to base my report upon. I felt today's lecture was very usefull as it helped my not only put my own ideas together but to gather ideas of others.  

Today's tutorial feedback

This has helped me put my report into context, I was able to see where I was and areas that I had to work on. It also helped me come up with ideas with the 
group to push us along with the research for the reports that everyone was doing. 

Sunday 23 February 2014

Green contrasting horse drawing

I feel that this shows my discord concept quite clearly as the colours of the horse as very surreal and the way I have applied the different shades of green making them bright and eye catching, contrasts with the flowers on the horses main as they are light and delicate with the use of minimal colour. 

Green contrasting horse drawing

I feel that this shows my discord concept quite clearly as the colours of the horse as very surreal and the way I have applied the different shades of green making them bright and eye catching, contrasts with the flowers on the horses main as they are light and delicate with the use of minimal colour. 

Friday 21 February 2014

Very magazine- interior

Found some more interesting interior wear that I found was visually pleaseing and influencial to me through te visual language used. I also like all the bright colours in them all as if makes them eye catching. 

Very magazine- interior

Found some more interesting interior wear that I found was visually pleaseing and influencial to me through te visual language used. I also like all the bright colours in them all as if makes them eye catching. 

Water soluble fabric

Here is my pink horses head drawing transfered into embroidary, I have used a range of coloured threads and also added a hand threaded cabling stitch after I had took this picture. I then placed the embroidered design into water which made the fabric dissolve, I pinned the horse out and let it dye to keep it in the correct shape. All that is left now is applying it to my final fabric. 

Very magazine

Found some nice catwalk garments in the very magazine issue 6, like the printed and embellished designs that they have used. 

Final fabric- after dyed

Here is my fabric that I have dyed for my final top and skirt garment. The top picture is the skirt fabric and the bottom image is the fabric for the top. I have used two different types of fabric for my garment sets, I have used a thicker density fabric which is worsted wool twill, and a lighter, finer fabric which is silk organza. I have used these two fabrics are they are different in the thickness but also it the way they dye, hange and feel, they both give off a totally different look and effect as the organza is that thin it is transparent. I have layered the two fabrics up with the wool underneath the organza as you can see it through. I have dyed the wool a pale pink and the organza the same, the then hand painted onto the organza while the fabric was wet, which ment when I added the hand painted dye in a splattered, free way it created a chaotic feel as it wasn't ordered and the dye bled into the fabric freely and un-controlled. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Today's task

Write three things about myself that I am proud of:
-being creative 

Three things which need to be inproved of myself; 
- don't be so self critical 
-Writing skills 
- finish my essay and stop being lazy 

Garment layout number 5

This is my last and final garment that I have portrayed together it is very similar to number 4 however it is the I posit composition. 

Garment layout number 4

On this one I have contrasted the top and bottom to make them different and indevidual however they still work well together. 

Light hanging

Found this unusually inspiring, found it in 12 Harland place which is a restraunt that I went to. Love the way the positioning if the mirror behind it gives a in depth feel. 

Saturday 15 February 2014

Horse photos

Here shows a page in my sketch book where I have collaged all my photographs that I had taken of various horses from different angles. I have portrayed them like this as I had so many photos to include in my sketch book that this felt the best way to show them off, as you can see the almount of horses that I have been and photographed as part of my primary research. 

London samples and research

Here is a photograph showing a small amount of research and samples that I managed to collect in London of various designers. 

London samples and research

Here is a photograph showing a small amount of research and samples that I managed to collect in London of various designers. 

Flower arrangement

Here are some flowers that I have selected from my local florist, I have tried to select more unique range which have more detail and intricacy within them. I have then took photos of them indevidually and in group so I am able to go on to draw from those images. 

Friday 14 February 2014

Garment layout number 3

For this garment layout I have chosen a more simple composition, and I don't think this reflects the true concept that my work it based upon. The pale background could work well however I have places fine Linior houses on top of the background which don't stand out or create a real contrast at all. 

Garment layout number 2

Here is my second layout for the garment that I am going to create. I am doing a total of four top and skirt layouts so I can get an Idea on which compositions, colours and designs that I choice to portray on the garment reflect my discord concept the most. I

Garment layout number 1

Here is my first layout composition for when I come to make my garment.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Today's task

In today's lecture we done an overveiw of  all the tasks that we had covered to this date. I feel that I have covered most of the tasks in depth and what I need to do now is research into what to do for my report and how I'm going to gather facts to build up a report. 

London zoo research

Here are the best research photographs that I collected. In my main programme I am focusing on horses so while I was in London I felt i would benefit from going to visit the zebras as they are just wild horses and have the same shape and form. I also took images of other animals for feature assignments as they could link in some way, and it gives me more options.